Mangan, Katherine. "Entire Writing-Course Panel Quits at U. of Texas." _Chronicle of Higher Education_ 13 Feb 1991.
News article reporting on protests on the UT campus following the decision to postpone E 306 curriculum changes. pp. 1-2
Editorial from Professor Duban responding to a previous Daily Texan editorial from Heinzelman and Saldivar. Duban criticizes his colleagues' editorial and the proposed curriculum changes to E 306. p. 4
Part Two of a two-part editorial in support of the change in E 306 curriculum. p. 4
The full course packet, including syllabus, reading assignments, and assignment descriptions for E 306 "Writing about Difference"
Editorial critiquing Gribben's public complaints about E 306, as well as the open letter in the Daily Texan, "A Statement of Academic Concern." p. 4.
News article reporting Gribben's call for Faculty Senate to screen E 306's new curriculum. pp. 1-2
Letters to the editor regarding a previous Daily Texan editorial on the E 306 curriculum controversy from Taylor, Assistant Instructor in English, Garcia, English Graduate, and Budzieszewski, Associate Professor of Government. p. 4
Ewing, Darryl. "New Elective Composition Course to Become Requirement in Fall '88." _Daily Texan_ 21 Feb 1985, p. 5
This article reports on E 309, which will be an elective until 1988, at which point it should become a required sophomore-level class. The scope and purpose of E 309K is described. The article also describes crash courses that the Writing Center will offer in composition. Joe Kruppa and Alan Gribben are quoted.
Ewing, Darryl. "Some Professors Oppose Dropping E 306." _Daily Texan_ 24 Feb 1986, p. 3.
This article reports that the English Department voted to drop E 306, effective Fall 1988 (offering only Summer classes), and Dean King approved the proposal. Some information about the new E 309K courses is included. Maxine Hairston, John Ruszkiewicz, Joseph Kruppa, and Alan Gribben are quoted.
Refers to a collection of signatures for a petition, requests note be destroyed after reading.
Letter in which Balester addresses the controversy surrounding E 306 from a graduate student/Assistant Instructor perspective.
Among other items discussed are James Sledd’s questions about E 346K. Question 1: If the number of E346K sections to be offered will be no greater than the number of lower-division courses that the English department offered in the past, why can’t English staff E 346K? (2) Does the English Department’s poor management of E346K support Kinneavy’s claim that the department is dismantling the writing program? (3) What legislation cancelled the state authorized assurance that transfer credit would be allowed for E 346K? (4) Knowing the problems that the English Department was having with E 346K, did upper administration decide to not do anything because they didn’t want to spend money to support the writing program?
President Flawn answered “no” to the last question. The decision to postpone E 346K was made on academic grounds, and he hopes to see the course implemented in the fall.
Attached is a report of the faculty senate committee on the status and role of the lecturer which ends with two motions, both passed at the last Faculty Senate meeting: Motion 1. Deans should do their best to ensure that classes be taught by tenure-line faculty, not lecturers. Motion 2. All departments should develop a policy on lecturers to clarify their position. A sample policy is included.
Memo in which Sutherland addresses curriculum changes and development of a writing lab.
A memo on vote tally on change to English requirement by the Kruppa Committee
King writes to Sutherland, saying disfunction in the English Department has led him to review the Executive Committee. Sutherland writes to the English Department, asking them to find a common solution for the greater good. Both letters addresse need to examine E 346K and E 316 in light of enrollment changes.
This memo addresses Sledd's position on conflicts about E 346K and first-year writing at UT.
Contains note to Ruszkiewicz and article on curriculum and writing in the disciplines, reimagining a writing-across-the-disciplines alternative if E 346K is not restored.
Writing as a member of the E306 Subcommittee, Strange writes to report that a survey of E306 students has begun. He also asks to sit in on a section of E 306 for his own private research
Hugh Strange sends Ruszkiewicz two Chronicle of HIgher Ed articles, one about national attitudes towards college ed with focus on required courses, another about how college composition can be taught effectively by Professor Fulwiler.
The letter reports a difference of opinion between its author and the Writing Lab staff, which may result in moving the computers out of the Lab. Tutors aren't recommending or using the programs written by the Writing Lab staff.
Addresses E 346K E 316 and English requirements.
Meeting minutes that address possibly the confrontation between Wren and Gribben
Initial letter (by Sledd) addressing possible accusation against Sledd by Gribben. Sledd explains that in the last few days several people have reported Alan Gribben’s accusations made to the EC, the Dean, and the Provost, saying Sledd was in a conspiracy to embarrass Gribben publicly.
Sledd writes in response to Gribben’s accusations that Sledd assaulted him on Sept. 26, saying Gribben made the accusation in letters dated 28 Sept and 1 Oct, and given to the EC in an effort to have the committee reconsider its decision to appoint Sledd as professor emeritus.