“General Workload Guidelines Approved for Professors.” Austin American-Statesman 15 July 1977, p. B6.
This article reports that the State College Coordinating Board approved general workload guidelines for reporting faculty instructional time but no minimum requirements for faculty teaching. Other Coordinating Board actions are mentioned.
Kelly, Lee. “‘Most Hated Man’: UT Professor has Made Enemies for Speaking Out.” Austin American-Statesman, 11 June 1978, pp. B1 & B7.
This article describes Sledd’s campaign for faculty workload reform, undergraduate education, and better treatment of TAs.
Durbin (faculty Mathematics), Smerdon (UT Vice President for Academic Affairs), and Sledd are quoted.
“Salty Sledd Strikes Again.” Daily Texan 18 April 1978, p. 5.
This editorial reports Sledd’s claims that he’s been given bogus course assignment, such as three hours of teaching credit for directing dissertations that he had refused to direct.
The editorial calls for a college-level investigation into the English Department’s course accounting.
Kelly, Lee. “Teaching Assistants Face More Limited Roles at UT.” Austin American-Statesman 28 March 1978, p. B2.
This article reports that a rules change by Rogers (UT President) and the Deans Council has mandated that after August 31, TAs at UT will no longer formally instruct undergraduates but will instead assist in instruction.
Rogers and Fonken (assistant to Rogers) are quoted.
McMillan, John. “Dean: Humanities Still Vital.” Daily Texan 14 October 1977, p. 12.
This article reports on comments by Werbow (dean of the College of Humanities) at an under-attended (15 people) event. When asked about Sledd’s proposal to establish a department of writing, Werbow said that the need for improved writing instruction could be fulfilled within the English department.
“Coping with our ‘Literacy Crisis.’” Daily Texan 21 June 1977, p. 4.
This editorial argues that the entering students at UT are part of a literacy crisis because their SAT scores and their scores on the English Composition Test have been steadily declining since 1971. The article also laments the 1973 decision to reduce the English requirement from 12 to 9 hours, decries the Trimble report for not recommending specific actions, and endorses Sledd’s proposal that a department of writing be created and that students be required to take classes there.
Ehrlich, Dana. “Legislature Strikes Workload Rider.” Daily Texan 30 May 1977, p. 4.
This opinion article reports Sledd’s claim that the university faculty must commit to a mandatory workload of 9 teaching hours because the Texas Senate has dropped the workload requirements from the appropriations bill.
Cox, Mike. “Workload Vote Draws Praise from Faculty.” Austin American-Statesman 18 May 1977, p. B5.
This article reports that the Texas legislature decided to junk a rider setting a strict 9-hour teaching minimum on workloads and instead passed a milder resolution requiring that faculty workloads be decided to achieve maximum effectiveness in teaching.
Kinneavy and Livingston (chair of a new faculty committee) are quoted.
Rogers, Susan. “General Faculty Fails to OK English Hours.” Daily Texan 4 May 1977, p. 1.
This front-page article reports on a sparsely attended General Faculty meeting where the new 9-hour English requirement was reviewed and evaluated.
Sledd and Hairston are quoted.
Ehrlich, Dana. “Mandatory Course Loads Added to Bill.” Daily Texan 3 May 1977, p. 1.
This front-page article reports that a rider added to the Senate version of the appropriations bill (SB 211) would add mandatory teaching loads for full-time faculty.
Livingston (Faculty Senate Chairman), Iscoe, director of Counseling-Psychological Services, Megaw (English faculty), and Sledd are quoted.
Fernandez, Julie. “UT Faculty Divided on Students’ Writing.” Austin American-Statesman 17 May 1977, p. B2.
This article reports the results of an ad-hoc University Council committee on writing, which recommended that the new 9-hour English requirement be retained but that additional efforts be made to understand and improve undergraduate-writing instruction at the university level.
Sledd is quoted, criticizing the study and its conclusions.
Frank, Janie. “Education Committee OKs Measure to Set Academic Guidelines.” Daily Texan 24 March 1977, p. 1.
This article reports that the House Higher Education Committee voted to establish guidelines for academic workloads at state-sponsored universities, vesting authority in the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System. Sledd was present, saying that UT would not permit this bill to pass or follow its intent.
“Panel to Debate New Legislation.” Daily Texan 10 March 1977, p. 10.
This article reports that a panel discussion will address the Faculty Council proposal to self-regulate and the legislature’s effort to regulate the faculty.
Megaw (English faculty) is quoted.
Hoppe, Christy. “Resolution Sets Policies on Faculty, TA Workloads.” Daily Texan 4 March 1977, p. 1.
This article reports on the General Faculty Council decision to put forward a resolution that would eliminate fraudulent reporting of courses, increase faculty-student contact, and reduce TAs.
Megaw (English faculty), Scoe (director of University Counseling and Psychological Services), and Sledd are quoted.
Fernandez, Julie. “Faculty Okays Compromise on Workload.” Austin American-Statesman 4 March 1977, p. B9.
This article reports that the General Faculty Council approved two measures assuring continuous review of faculty workloads and protection of TAs, both measures in response to HB 833, which (according to Kinneavy’s analysis) would require a radical increase in faculty hiring. Sledd is quoted, begrudgingly approving of the proposals
Ehrlich, Dana. “Bill Proposed to Limit TA Hiring Practices.” Daily Texan 8 February 1977, p. 1.
This article reports that John Hoestenbach (D-Odessa) has proposed a bill that would limit the number of TAs at Texas colleges and universities and require that graduate instructors apprentice under a professor for one semester before teaching.
Hoestenbach, Walter (acting chair, English), Cardona (chair Spanish and Portuguese, Lieb (dean of graduate studies), and Susan Wells (English TA) are quoted.
Sledd, James. “Making the Teachers Teach.” Daily Texan 19 January 1977, p. 4.
Sledd argues that UT must make a choice between its recently chosen research mission and its longstanding dedication to undergraduate education. He says that professors won’t choose undergraduate education, because it’s not in their interest, so the legislature must decide for them.
“UT Faculty Airs Work Load Plan.” Austin American-Statesman 18 January 1977, p. D14.
This article reports a faculty senate discussion of HB 833, explaining that the senate made no motions or resolutions in response to the legislature’s proposal to limit the appointment of TAs.
Sledd is quoted.
Bell, Brenda. “House Subcommittee Urges Limits on TAs.” Austin American-Statesman, 21 September 1976, p. B1
This article reports that a house subcommittee for higher education recommended to limit the number of TAs to the number of full-time faculty at all TX public colleges.
Fonken, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Sledd and Rogers (UT President) are quoted.
DelaCruz, Debbie, and Michelle O’Leary. “House Committee Urges TA Limits, Requirements.” Daily Texan 21 September 1976, p. 1.
Front-page article reporting on the subcommittee of the House Higher Education Committee suggestions for regulating the use of TAs at public Texas colleges and universities.
Sledd, James. “Documenting the Teaching Assistant Mythology.” Daily Texan 14 September 1976, p. 5.
In this opinion article, Sledd replies to Wilson’s 10 September 1976 Daily Texan article, which defends 398T across campus.
Sledd presents evidence to show that E 398T is a sham course.
Anderson, Kevon. “E 398T TA Class Varies in Degree of Substance.” Daily Texan 8 September 1976, p. 9.
This article reports the Daily Texan’s investigation into FA 1975 398T courses, comparing attendance requirements and syllabi. Garrison and Kinneavy (English faculty teaching 398T) are quoted.
Hutcheson, Ron. “Rogers Defends TA System Before Hostile Subcommittee.” Daily Texan 31 August 1977, p. 1.
Front-page article reporting UT President Rogers’s testimony before the TX House, defending the TA program.
Several TX legislators are quoted, repeating Sledd’s allegation that 398T was a sham course, instituted to allow graduate students to take 9 credit hours without really offering 9 hours of instruction. Legislators also criticize faculty who spend too much time on their research and not enough time teaching.
Bell, Brenda. “Teaching Assistants Upheld.” Austin American-Statesman 31 August 1976, p. B2.
This article reports that UT President Rogers defended the university’s teaching assistants program before the legislature,
Sledd is quoted.
Hutcheson, Ron. “Sledd Faults ‘Sorry’ TA Program.” Daily Texan 30 August 1976, p. 1.
Front-page article reporting on Sledd’s testimony before the TX House, in which Sledd provided documentary evidence that 398T was a sham course.
Former English TA O’Loughlin also testified, saying that 398T was a sham and criticizing the situation.