Joe Malof sends James Kinneavy Graham's syllabus, including readings and a schedule, for a proposed section of E 346K Writing in the Humanities.
Summary notes on a meeting of the E 346K subcommittee where course descriptions and textbooks for all upcoming sections of E 346K were discussed.
A draft memo listing the texts chosen for E 346K, explaining that the large number of sections anticipated will make it necessary to choose the same text for all the classes and to order these books early.
Kinneavy narrates his experiences in academe by describing the various rhetorical and literary theories that he encountered. This talk was delivered at the University of North Texas and in the presence of James Duban.
Several E 306 writing prompts that demonstrate Kinneavy used the networked computers in the Computer Writing Lab in his E 306 classes
A memo from Ruszkiewicz inviting everyone to attend the graduate-instructor orientation (August 17-19), including a list of all the workshops that would be provided by various faculty and staff.
James Kinneavy writes to William Sutherland (chair of English) to recommend that the UT English department hire Linda Brodkey as an associate professor.
Linda Brodkey's 13-page account of the opposition to her Writing about Difference E 306 syllabus.
A talk given by James Kinneavy at Ball State University, tracing the origins of language-arts education back to Homer and through the Writing in the Disciplines movement. Kinneavy presents the E 346K curriculum as the culmination of this long history.
A printout of average course-instructor surveys for graduate instructors teaching E 306 in the fall of 1991. Kinneavy's handwritten notes on these numbers are included.
"English Department Favors New Sequence of Courses." _The Alcalde_ January/February 1986, p. 27.
Reports the recommendation of the E 346K committee: that E 346K not be required and that E 306 be taught off campus through extension
"A Minority Perspective in a Basic Course." _The Alcalde_ July/August 1990, p. 23.
Brief article touting the "Writing about Difference" syllabus projected for E 306. Brodkey and Kruppa are quoted.
At this meeting, the report of the University Council Committee to Examine the Undergraduate Writing Program was discussed.
These are the recommendations of the committee created by the University Council's recommendation in 1992.
At this meeting, the faculty deliberated and approved the Faculty Senate recommendation to constitute a committee to review the undergraduate writing program.
At this meeting, the only thing discussed was Dean King's proposal to create a Division of Rhetoric and Composition. Debate went on for 90 minutes.
Several documents including letters from Robert King and William Cunningham, an _OnCampus_ article (11 May 1992), and a proposal for a Division of Rhetoric and Writing, all distributed to prepare faculty for the 19 October 1992 meeting of the University Council.
At this meeting John Durbin asked his questions about the newly established Division of Rhetoric and Composition. Several other faculty ask questions about how the decision was made, whether the faculty should have been involved, and whether the governance of the new division will violate university practices of faculty governance.