Addresses E 306 textbook adoptions and process for selection of texts.
Addresses issues related to E 346K. Primary content is Sutherland explaining why E 346K implementation is being postponed.
Letter regards an article, published in the Daily Texan, that expressed distaste for E 346K and is directed to selected members of the English Department.
In this article, Twombly discusses lecturer hiring and re-hiring situation in the English Department.
A note discussing rehiring of lecturers.
Describes uncertainty surrounding the rehiring of lecturers.
James Sledd suggests that a new suite of elective lower-division courses be re-instituted, now that E 346K has been waived as a requirement.
Discusses Sledd's proposal regarding undergrad English requirements.
List of complaints relating to relationship between English Department and Writing Program with specific focus on E 306, the writing lab, E 346K, and hiring.
Discusses the lecturer controversy
A cover memo to Dean King from "Steve" says there is no need to take any of the actions suggested by William Sutherland.
A memo from Sutherland to Dean King recommends that a range of transfers be allowed for lower-division courses, for E 316K, and for E 346K.
A handwritten memo that describes talking points from meeting with John Weinstock about departmental and university politics related to writing program. Specifically mentions James Kinneavy and Robert King.
The waiver of the E 346K requirement is discussed at this meeting. Sledd makes two motions: (1) the faculty maintain continuity of writing instruction while E 346K is suspended; (2) a formal committee be appointed to investigate recent changes to the writing program.
Kinneavy is given the floor and hands out a 4-page document titled “The Decomposition of English” which argues that the English Dept. is systematically dismantling the writing program. Other English faculty--Sultherland, Gribben, and Carver--defend against Sledd's and Kinneavy's claims.
Items discussed: teaching awards, honors program, approval of 1978 governance committee report on the constitution of the English Department Executive Committee.
Attached is a copy of the Constitution of the Executive Committee, revised November 1978, and the portion of the Handbook of Operating Procedures relevant to Budget Councils.
Department of English meeting minutes where topics addressed primarily include enrollment and faculty recruitment.
Poem deals with lecturer controversy and is a knock-off of Robert Frost poem of the same title. Mentions many faculty involved in debate over lecturers, including Lesser and Sutherland. Likely written by Bob Wren.
Describes English Department administrative organization in detail. Approved in 1980-81.
At this meeting, faculty recruitment for 1980-81 and the establishment of a permanent lecturer "pool" of 35 are discussed.
Two items are discussed: a senior hire in Chicano literature, and the Governance Committee Report, particularly recommendations about the constitution of the Executive Committee.
At this meeting, the faculty discuss a preliminary report of the Governance Committee (chaired by Alan Friedman). There is discussion of lecturers', TAs', and AIs' representation in faculty governance.
Attaced is the Governance Committee Preliminary Report, describing voting privileges, procedures, standing committees, and departmental officers.
At this day-long meeting, the English Department faculty discussed a preliminary version of the Task Force on Composition proposal, subsequently revised and submitted for departmental vote by mail ballot.
At this meeting, the roles and rank titles concerning lecturers are primarily discussed.
Attached to the minutes is the regents' rules for academic titles.
English Department meeting where E 316K and E 346K curriculum were primarily discussed. All three variations of E 316K were approved and discussion of E 346K was postponed.
Discusses conversation between dean and Sutherland regarding lecturers.
At this meeting of the Faculty Senate the report on E 346K is considered. Sledd delivered a long assessment of the E 346K problem complete with evaluation of the English Department political troubles. The Faculty Senate's motions regarding E 346K are all approved with slight amendment.