Items discussed: James Berlin's appointment as visiting professor in 1985-1986 academic year (approved); teaching awards and promotions; sabbaticals for faculty; postdoctoral fellowships; Faculty Senate approval of a policy on lecturers.
Present at the Meeting: Sutherland, Cable, Bertleson, Bump, Cable, Farrell, Kruppa, Reed, Renwick, Slatin, Whitbread, Worthen
William Sutherland writes to the English faculty to explain that E 346K has been suspended.
Sutherland writes the lecturers to explain that E 346K has been suspended for the coming academic year.
An extended argument for keeping E 306 as a required course, reinstating E 307, allowing E 346K to remain as an elective. and projecting various ways to maintain this offering while preserving lecturers' jobs.
Davis, Rod. "The English Wars." _Texas Observer_ 28 Sept 1984, pp. 18-21.
Davis, a lecturer, narrates the events of the spring of 1984/fall 1985, including the failed effort to dismiss 33 senior lecturers, disenfranchise all lecturers, and the lecturers' attempt to save their jobs.
Sledd, James. "How we Apples Swim." In _Composition and Resistace_ eds. Mark Hurlbert and Michael Blitz. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1991. 145-149.
This reply to Kinneavy's Request for Faculty Action Concerning the English Composition Program argues that Kinneavy wanted to make the English composition program permanently dependent upon lecturers, that Kinneavy dismissed the judgment of his department, and that he should not be allowed to appeal to the University Council after he lost at the departmental level. Attached is a copy of the E 346K Committee Report (6 March 1986)
At this meeting, Kinneavy's Request for Faculty Action Concerning the English Composition Program was discussed. A motion was entertained to refer the matter to the University Council's Educational Policy Committee, but this motion was tabled in favor of letting individual departments settle curricular matters. Kinneavy, Ruszkiewicz, and Hairston spoke against the E 346K Evaluation Committee plan, while Sutherland, Kruppa, and Rebhorn spoke in favor of it.
This proposal was submitted to the University Council by James Kinneavy to criticize the English Department's plan to revamp the composition program and to propose that the writing program be separated from the English Department. The proposal was classified as minor legislation to be considered at the 17 March 1986 University Council meeting.
At this meeting, the Faculty Senate report on E 346K was discussed, and so was the Faculty Senate Report on the Status of the Lecturer.
The Faculty Senate recommends further discussion around four motions: 1. Though spikes in enrollment may create need for lecturers in a given year, when enrollment remains high, the administration should take measures to ensure that most classes are taught by faculty. 2. There should be no university-wide policy for lecturers, but each department should develop its own policy, and put it in writing.
Attached is a sample departmental policy on lecturers from Mathematics.
Alan Friedman (English) asked the president about the status and hiring of lecturers. President Flawn confirmed that lecturers provide the university with the flexibility to meet instructional needs and do not threaten the tenure system, so he does not support a university-wide moratorium on hiring lecturers.
At this meeting of the Faculty Council, James Sledd introduced a motion to allow students to substitute E 307 (a second-semester, first-year writing course) for the new E 346K requirement. After Sledd defended his motion, Kinneavy spoke in defense of the new English requirement including E 346K. Ultimately, a vote on Sledd's motion is deferred until the next Faculty Senate meeting. Attached are Sledd's 14-page motion and its lengthy defense and Kinneavy's 3-page riposte to Sledd's allegations.
This agenda for the third regular meeting of the university council, includes Friedman's questions to the president about the status and hiring of lecturers at UT.
Friedman asks the president to clarify the status of “lecturers,” and to consider a “cap” or “moratorium” on the hiring of lecturers.
Megaw's "English Department Polarized over E346." in _The Daily Texan_ from 7 March 1985, p. 3 discusses how _The Daily Texan_ offers an important forum for debate, as well as the reduced composition requirement.
Addresses E 346K E 316 and English requirements.
At this meeting, the E 346K proposal is discussed. Kruppa, Sutherland, and Fonken defend the proposal, while Kinneavy argues that it's an attempt to shirk composition instruction. Other faculty from other departments weigh in. There is no motion as the decision is left up to the English Department.
Discusses voting rights and agency across ranks on governance within department.
Letter disputing Sutherland's comments in The Daily Texan about enrollments and lecturer hiring.
In this article, Twombly discusses lecturer hiring and re-hiring situation in the English Department.
A note discussing rehiring of lecturers.
Describes uncertainty surrounding the rehiring of lecturers.
Discusses the lecturer controversy
Poem deals with lecturer controversy and is a knock-off of Robert Frost poem of the same title. Mentions many faculty involved in debate over lecturers, including Lesser and Sutherland. Likely written by Bob Wren.
At this meeting, faculty recruitment for 1980-81 and the establishment of a permanent lecturer "pool" of 35 are discussed.